Ticket requesters sometimes enter sensitive information such as ID numbers, credit card numbers, social security numbers, passwords, attachments or other sensitive information in tickets when they shouldn’t. This app enables administrators and agents (if allowed) secure sensivite information in tickets in bulk. Information that can be redacted includes words and attachments from tickets. Users are able to select a ticket view or search tickets, and select tickets to be redacted.
Redact words
Enter word or phrase that you’d like to redact in ticket comments. Use this feature to remove names, addresses, ID numbers, credit cards, passwords, email addresses, or anything that you can think of.
Redact attachments
Redact files attached to tickets.
Redact images
Redact in-line images that are part of ticket comments.
- Select ticket view from the view dropdown. Public and private views will be visible.
- Search tickets using Zendesk native search feature.
- Refresh button is available to show the latest list of tickets
- This app has been optimized to mass redact tickets in the most effective way possible. Depending on the number of tickets and length of ticket comments, the time to redact tickets vary.
Archived Tickets
Archived tickets are not accessible through Zendesk Listing Tickets API endpoint. Therefore, they will not show up in the ticket views section. To redact archived tickets, we recommend use the search function.
Disclaimer*Please note that ticket redaction is permanent and cannot be undone. Solafid Solution is not responsible for the data redacted. The information on this page is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. Readers should always seek legal advice before taking any action with respect to the matters discussed herein.
About Solafid Solutions
At Solafid Solutions, we love helping businesses to get the most values from Zendesk. Our in-house certified Zendesk experts have years of experience implementing and optimizing Zendesk for many small and medium businesses. Our areas of expertise are Zendesk Support and Zendesk Guide.
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How to install
Install the app. Once installed, this app can be accessed on the side navigation bar.
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